Wednesday, August 21, 2013

A room of his own

JenniferI wrote a whole post about Joe's new office and then Google for some reason alphabetized the text of the whole post, word by word, which was neither useful nor informative. And why the picture is on the right, when the HTML clearly indicates it should be on the left, is anyone's guess.

So here's a placeholder until I get up the energy to re-write the consarned thing. Go see a slideshow of all the pics if you like in the meanwhile...


  1. the pics look great! a blog post of mine got eaten awhile back, I sympathize!

  2. I don't know, it might be possible to get the gist of a post that is alphabetized. A a desk desk desk desk Joe Joe likes *new* office office office random stuff the the the the.

  3. Yeah, it was kinda like that, but waaaay longer.

    The trip taking the comfy chair in from or house to his office was fun; his standing desk is a local marvel that people are brought in to see.
