* That was supposed to be a Frost reference, but with walls instead of fences…
Yes, fine, I'll admit that it didn't really work. But I'm leaving it anyway.
Yes, fine, I'll admit that it didn't really work. But I'm leaving it anyway.
The wall cuts right through modern Istanbul, so along the southern half all of the surviving gates are now active (if narrow) roadways. That includes the Gate of St. Romanus, where Constantine XI was last seen charging anonymously into a band of Ottoman soldiers, later to be presumed dead even though his body was never recovered. Also, the Adrianople Gate, where Mehmed made his own triumphal entry into the city (after Constantine XI had died defending the gate, naturally)1.
Along the northern half, though, the gates have mostly given way to the demands of modern traffic management. The section the Ottomans destroyed taking the city has never been rebuilt; I actually expected there to be a plaque commemorating the day, at least, but in fact it's just a large, busy intersection.
It took me to mid-afternoon to walk the whole thing, then another hour or so to manage public transport back to my hotel (including the most crowded tram ride of my life, incidentally). At that point I was pretty tired, but after a shower and a coffee I set out one last time as it was my last evening. No camera this time, owing to my destination, the Grand Bazaar. Istanbul is generally not known for pickpockets and bag-snatchers, but the Grand Bazaar is a notable exception, so I opted to travel as lightly as possible, just taking the few lira I had left and a couple of post cards that needed mailing.
I stopped along the way at a köftecisi for an affordable, spicy dinner of köfte, bean salad, and a refreshing glass of ayram. Then I spent a couple of hours wandering through the bazaar, mostly just idly glancing at some of the 4000 stalls. I did stop twice to haggle, once to buy a small wooden backgammon set, and the second time to get a couple of shawls for Jennifer. I haggled for both, and I'm sure that I still over-payed for the backgammon set, but for the shawls I may have managed a decent price by virtue of simply not having any more money with me.
Relatively pleased with my purchases, I headed home one last time, spending most of the 20 minute walk chatting with the young man who struck up a conversation when I was silly enough to stop at a crosswalk. He wanted to show me his family's craft shop, but alas I had to disappoint him, opting instead to go get some sleep before my ride to the airport arrived at 5 AM.
1 If you think the death of Constantine is confusing, try figuring out which of the prominently displayed swords alleged to be the one he wielded in defense of the city is real.
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