The Swedish F-bomb is not an equivalent to the English F-word, it just starts with the letter F. I said this word to S. at that long-ago fika for a reason that was relevant at the time, I promise you. His reaction was most rewarding: he blushed, and actually stuttered. "Well, I didn't expect you to know that word," he said later, "and I certainly didn't expect you to use it in the definite form."
So what is the Swedish F-bomb? Here's an ad, facing the street, for a play put on by the Uppsala Players last fall. The Swedish F-bomb is the word after "bitter" (which means bitter) and it appears here in the definite form (as indicated by the letter 'n' at the end of it), so that you too can shock any Swedes you know. This display caused what could be considered protest—two people wrote to the newspaper to complain.
By the way, I finally added the picture of Joe and half of me from the TV coverage of the bandy game... see the post below.
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