Vi vet inte säkert om du tänker läsa Sfi i höst och vilken skola du ska gå i. Därför måste vi få veta hur du tänker göra. Sfi-mottagningen på CVL har öppet hela sommaren utom vecka 27–29 och du är välkommen hit för att prata med oss om dina Sfi-studier.Which I think means:
We don't know for certain if you are thinking of studying with SFI this autumn or which school you will go to. Therefore must we get an idea what you think you are doing. The SFI desk at CVL is open the whole summer except weeks 27 through 29 (editor's note: yeah, open every Tuesday and Thursday between 10:00 and 11:30 in the morning) and you are welcome here for to talk with us about your SFI studies.
Despite the fact that the above makes it sound like I'm all the way back at square one, at the beginning of this week I got a letter from Liber directing me to a meeting this week about my lessons, which apparenty are scheduled to start August 4 (which was news to me). Actually, the letter wasn't from Liber, but from it's parent company, Hernod. Liber was supposed to be one of the three companies taking students from SFI this autumn, but in the month since my last meeting Liber has parted ways with Hernod, and it's actually Hernod that will be giving the classes. At least that's what they're claiming this week, I'm sure it will change by early August.
The meeting was held in a classroom in Polacksbacken, an old barracks complex which has been renovated into the very modern home of the Computer Science department at the Uppsala University; in other words, my new home. It was not, however, in the classroom it was supposed to be in, but rather in another building all the way across the quad, so it took me an extra ten minutes to find it. The format of the meeting was similar to the last one, in that the instructors, who spoke very good English, ran the whole thing in Swedish, while an interpreter who spoke English not quite as well did the translating. Maybe it's some sort of government requirement for SFI meetings. Regardless of format, this meeting did actually have some useful information:
The meeting was held in a classroom in Polacksbacken, an old barracks complex which has been renovated into the very modern home of the Computer Science department at the Uppsala University; in other words, my new home. It was not, however, in the classroom it was supposed to be in, but rather in another building all the way across the quad, so it took me an extra ten minutes to find it. The format of the meeting was similar to the last one, in that the instructors, who spoke very good English, ran the whole thing in Swedish, while an interpreter who spoke English not quite as well did the translating. Maybe it's some sort of government requirement for SFI meetings. Regardless of format, this meeting did actually have some useful information:
- The classes will be held in Polacksbacken, which would be incredibly convenient for me of course.
- They pride themselves on being the flexible school, so in addition to guided group classes they offer structured individual study time and online classes.
- Since this course is intended for University-level immigrants, they offer vocation specific help which can include placement within your field to help you learn the vocabulary.
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